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Ka’edi Africa online creative nonfiction magazine is accepting submissions year round in five categories which are: Art, Reviews, Photography, Food and Culture/People.

We encourage young writers within the Africa continent to submit.

 Submission Guidelines:

  • All entries must be centred on Africa.
  • Entries should not be more than 2000 words.
  • Entries must be original unpublished work of the writer.
  • Simultaneous submissions are not allowed.
  • Writers are free to submit work in more than one category.
  • Submission should be in a separate MS Word document attached to your submission email. Every submission should be accompanied by a short bio which includes the writers name, picture, state and country of residence. 
  • Entries in indigenous African languages (Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa, Swahili, etc. will be considered, if they are accompanied by an English translation.
  • For the Photography and Art columns, images should be sent as an attachment alongside a short piece that explains the story behind each image. Submissions should be five-ten (5-10) images.

NB: We do not pay writers for submissions at this time. However, we hope that will change in the future.

We look forward to reading and publishing your work.