The Lilayi Elephant Nursery

Nestled in a Game Park just 30 minutes out of Lusaka is Lilayi Lodge, a lodge that gives you the experience of watching some Bushbuck, calmly graze below you as you enjoy a drink and/or meal. Before you get to the lodge, however, you get the option and treat of...

Historical Figure Honoured in Film

We never seem to be able to escape from history. The threads of history seem to hang on us wherever we may go, constantly nagging us for attention. Why is this? Could it be that history is never really in the past but as close as the oxygen we breathe? Take a trip...

The End of Where We Begin: A Refugee Story

Rosalind Russell’s creative non-fiction novel The End of Where We Begin is a compelling feature of the refugee experiences of displacement, loss, love and hope. This captivating novel revolves around three main characters: Veronica, Daniel and Lilian, whose life...